The Oka Family History

Our family originally came from Japan to Hawaii as sugar plantation workers. With the great coffee market crash of 1899 they had the opportunity to purchase parcels of land where coffee was grown. Our great-great grandfather, Sentaro Yanagi purchased our Kahaluu-Kona acreage. Yasuo Yanagi, his son; Raymond Yanagi his grandson; and now our family, continues the legacy.
OKA FAMILY FARMS began a new era in 2009 when Raymond graciously handed over the reins of coffee production to me. Along with my wife (Beverly) and our children with their spouses Loreli (Andy), Garrett (Rachel) and Keola (Maricel) we continue to run the farm 28 acres with passion and pleasure. We plant, prune, and handpick only the ripest berries.

Prior to our running the farm my ancestors sold only the cherry or coffee berry to various co-ops. Now we roast and package our own 28-acre estate coffee to those who treasure the robust taste of Kona Coffee. Because we are a local family who owns and operates our plantation, we are able to roast each order on demand to assure you that our coffee is of the highest and freshest quality at an affordable price. For our family it is a passion and pleasure. We are currently selling our products in selected stores on the Big Island and the internet.
Aloha and Mahalo,
The Stanley Oka Ohana